Account & Security

Account & Security

PlayStation Support

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Login and password

Login and password

Change or reset password

  1. Sign in to Account Management.
  2. Select Security from the sidebar.
  3. Click Edit next to Password to change your password.
  4. Click Save to confirm your changes.
  5. You can now sign in to your account using your new password.
  1. Ask the family manager to sign in to Account Management on a web browser.
  2. The family manager can then go to Family Management.
  3. From this menu, they can select your account and Reset Password.
Support video: Reset your password on a PS5 console
Support video: Reset your password on a PS4 console

Log-in issues

  1. Go to the Account Management sign-in page and select Trouble Signing in? > Reset your password and enter your sign-in ID (email address).
  2. You are sent an email containing a secure link. The verification email can take a few minutes to arrive. If you don't receive it within 24 hours, please click here for more help.
  3. Follow the secure link, fill in the requested information and create a new password using a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters.

You're signed out from all devices when you change your sign-in ID (email address). When you change your email address you receive an email to your old email address showing your new sign-in ID (email address).

  1. Sign in to Account Management on a web browser.
  2. Select Security from the sidebar.
  3. Click Edit next to Sign-In ID (Email Address). You may need to re-enter your password for security reasons.
  4. Enter your new email address and click Save.
  5. You receive an email to your new email address asking you to verify your new sign-in ID. Click the Verify Now button in this email. You also receive an email to your old email address detailing the change.

If we suspend your account or PlayStation console, you will see an error code when attempting to sign in to PSN.

We usually email you explaining why you’ve been suspended and how long it will last. We send that to the email address associated with your account (your sign-in ID). Be sure to check your junk or spam folder for the email.

When you create an account for PlayStation™Network (PSN), you agree to obey the PlayStation Network Terms of Service, which includes the Community Code of Conduct.

If you breach these terms we may temporarily or permanently suspend your account. For the most serious breaches, we may suspend your PlayStation console from accessing PlayStation Network.

2-Step Verification (2SV)

  1. Sign in to Account Management on a connected device and select Security.
  2. Next to 2-step Verification Status, select Edit Activate Continue.
  3. Select how you’d like to receive the verification code: Authenticator App or Text Message:

Authenticator app
Make sure you have an authenticator app (such as Authy, Google Authenticator, or Microsoft Authenticator) downloaded and set up on your mobile device. Open the authenticator app and scan the QR code. If the QR code fails, copy and paste the alphanumeric code.
You receive a verification code in the authenticator app.

Text message
Enter a mobile number or select an existing one.
You receive a verification code via SMS.

  1. Enter the verification code.
  2. Record your Backup Codes.

When you sign in to PlayStation™Network (PSN) on a PlayStation®5 console or PlayStation®4 console with 2SV active, you are asked to:

  1. Enter your account password and sign-in ID (email address).
  2. Enter the verification code from your authenticator app or the SMS that was sent to your registered mobile phone number*.

* The verification code is valid for 10 minutes after your sign-in attempt. If your code has expired, select Resend Code from the sign-in screen to receive a new code.

  1. Sign in to Account Management on a connected device and select Security.
  2. Next to 2-step Verification Status, select Edit > Deactivate.
Support video: 2-Step Verification on PS4 consoles
Support video: 2-Step Verification on PS5 consoles

2SV issues

If you kept a record of your backup codes when setting up 2SV, recovering your account on a PlayStation®5 console or PlayStation®4 console is simple:

  1. Press the △ button on the 2SV login screen, then select Cannot Access Mobile Phone > Sign In Using Backup Code.
  2. Enter one of your 10 Backup Codes — each code can be used once.

If you cannot receive a 2SV verification code, and you do not have 2SV backup codes, you will need assistance recovering your account. Contact us with your online ID (username) and sign-in ID (email address).

  1. Sign in with your account password and select Resend Code.
  2. Please wait a few minutes for the code to be sent.

If your PlayStation console asks you for a verification code but you have not turned on 2SV, take these steps as soon as possible:

  1. Try to reset your password immediately. 
  2. If you can't reset your password, contact us with your online ID (username) and sign-in ID (email address).
Account management

Account management

Create, change and close account

  1. Go to Account Management and select Create New Account.
  2. Enter your details and preferences and select Next on each screen.
  3. Verify your email address. Check your email for a verification message. Follow the instructions in the message to verify your email address.

You're signed out from all devices when you change your sign-in ID (email address). When you change your email address you receive an email to your old email address showing your new sign-in ID (email address).

  1. Sign in to Account Management on a web browser.
  2. Select Security from the sidebar.
  3. Click Edit next to Sign-In ID (Email Address). You may need to re-enter your password for security reasons.
  4. Enter your new email address and click Save.
  5. You receive an email to your new email address asking you to verify your new sign-in ID. Click the Verify Now button in this email. You also receive an email to your old email address detailing the change.

Learn how to request an account closure and what happens after your account is closed.

  1. Sign in to Account Management and select Profile from the sidebar.
  2. Select Edit next to your current online ID. 
  3. Enter a new online ID and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the change.
  4. After you complete the change process, you’re signed out of all devices.

Resolve issues after changing your online ID on PlayStation Network.
Support video: Change your online ID

Activation, console sharing and deactivation

When you enable console sharing and offline play, anyone who uses your PS5 console can:

  • Play your games and media even when the console is offline.
  • Play games and media you've purchased and downloaded.
  • Enjoy some benefits of your PlayStation Plus membership, such as online multiplayer.

PS5™ Console Sharing and Offline Play is automatically enabled on the PS5 console you use to sign in to PlayStation™Network for the first time. To disable or enable Console Sharing on a new PS5 console, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Users and Accounts > Other > Console Sharing and Offline Play
  2. Select Enable or Disable.

Activating a primary PS4™ console links the console to your account and enables these features: 

  • Anyone who uses your primary PS4 console can use applications you purchase from PlayStation™Store.
  • Anyone who uses your primary PS4 console can enjoy some of the benefits of your PlayStation®Plus subscription. Your PS4 console can automatically download content you pre-ordered, or content you've purchased on PlayStation App.
  • You can connect to your PS4 console via the Internet using Remote Play on another device. 
  • Anyone who uses your primary PS4 console can use the themes that you purchase from PlayStation Store.

Each player can have one PS4 console activated as the primary PS4 console for their account.

  1. Go to Settings > Account Management > Activate as Your Primary PlayStation 4.
  2. Select Activate.

To change an activation, you need to manually deactivate the previous console. If you can't access the console, it's still possible to remotely deactivate all devices attached to your account using Account Management on a web browser.

Support video: Primary PS4 activation

Compromised account

If you do not recognize a purchase, first check your PlayStation Store transactions. If your transaction history doesn't explain the charges, please consider the common reasons for unrecognized payments listed below.

Have you been charged a recurring subscription fee?

Please check your subscription settings to see if this is the cause of the transaction. Please note, there are limitations on when you can get a refund for subscription payments. Please see our PlayStation Store Cancellation Policy for more details.

Could a family member have used your payment details?

Child accounts don't have their own PlayStation wallet but can spend funds from the family manager's wallet within an assigned spending limit. The spending limit for a child account is set to 0 by default when the account is created by the family manager. 

If a child is using an adult account, they will be able to use PlayStation™Network without parental controls — this is a breach of our Terms of Service. If you find that a family member under the age of 18 is using an adult account, please contact us.

Has your card been charged twice?

Please check your account transaction history to see if you have purchased the same piece of content multiple times. There are limitations on when you can get a refund for certain payments. Please see the PlayStation Store Cancellation Policy for more information.

If the email doesn't state that the change was initiated by PlayStation, someone else might be trying to access your account. We recommend that you complete the following steps to secure your account: 

  1. Change the password on your email account. If you have problems doing this, please contact your email provider as soon as possible.  
  2. Reset your account for PlayStation Network password.

Find out how to secure your account after your console has been stolen.


When you create an account for PlayStation™Network (PSN), you agree to obey the PlayStation Network Terms of Service, which includes the Community Code of Conduct.

If you breach these terms we may temporarily or permanently suspend your account. For the most serious breaches, we may suspend your PlayStation console from accessing PlayStation Network.

If we suspend your account or PlayStation console, you will see an error code when attempting to sign in to PSN.

We usually email you explaining why you’ve been suspended and how long it will last. We send that to the email address associated with your account (your sign-in ID). Be sure to check your junk or spam folder for the email.

A chargeback, or payment reversal, occurs when a financial institution cancels an existing payment at your request. 

As a chargeback can indicate you suspect fraud or account take-over, we will suspend your account or console to protect it while we investigate. If there is no lawful reason for the chargeback (e.g. no legal right to a refund), your account will remain suspended until the debt is repaid.

Family safety

Family safety

PlayStation Safety for parents

Once your child has an account for PlayStation Network (PSN), they can make friends online, play games with other people, chat (by text, voice and video), send content such as photos and screenshots using messages, join online communities dedicated to specific games or subjects and update their What’s New feed with posts.

To create accounts for your children, you must have an account for PlayStation Network. Once you have your own account, you can create accounts for each child.

Each child under 18 years of age needs a separate child account for our online services.

  1. Sign in to Account Management > Family Management.
  2. Select the child family member you want to set restrictions for and select Edit to adjust each feature.

Family managers can set limits on when, and for how long, each child can play on PS5™ consoles and PS4™ consoles. 

Before you can set play time controls:

  • You need an account for PlayStation™Network.
  • Every child needs their own separate account, created using their details (name and date of birth). 
  • Your account must either be the family manager or appointed “guardian” by the family manager. The child account you're managing must be a family member.
  • The time zone must be set for the child account before play time controls can be adjusted.
  1. Go to Account Management and sign in as the family manager or guardian account of the child account you’d like to manage.
  2. Go to Family Management and select the child account.
  3. Select Edit next to the play time limit and Save to apply your changes.
Support video: PlayStation 5 Parental Controls overview
Support video: Default Parental Controls on PlayStation 4

For younger players

Read these Rules – they will help you have a better time playing online.

Talk to the adult who usually looks after you (we will call them your Responsible Adult) about using PSN and what you want to do.

Learn how to stay safe on PlayStation Network, adjust your privacy settings and read our code of conduct rules.

Set up a family account

To set up your family on PlayStation™Network (PSN), you need to create an adult account and then add child members or adult members.

  1. Sign in to Account Management > Family Management > Add Family Member.
  2. Select Add a Child.
  3. Enter the child's date of birth, then click Next.
    The User Agreement appears. Accept and then follow the on-screen instructions to set up parental controls.
Support video: Family management on PS5 consoles
Support video: Family management on PS4 consoles

Learn about game ratings

Age ratings provide information about the contents of a game, so you know which ones are suitable for your child. Make sure to check the age rating before you let your child play. See how to check the age ratings for the following:

Digital games and streaming games

  • When you select the content on PlayStation™Store, the details screen contains the age rating.

Game discs

  • The game packaging is labeled with the age rating.

Always use parental controls to manage your child’s experience on PlayStation. Do this before you allow them to play for the first time.

Your child can enjoy the PlayStation console without going online, but many products offer online features and some will not work without them. Advise your child how to stay safe online and talk to them about their experiences.

Report users and content

Report content or conversations that breach the Community Code of Conduct. If the Code of Conduct has not been broken but you don’t want to interact with a player, you can block them.

Reporting with the intention to harass another player is a breach of the Code of Conduct and may result in a temporary or permanent suspension of your account.

Moderators review reports and decide whether the content reported breaches the Code of Conduct. If it does, we remove the content and take appropriate action against the player who shared it.

You receive notifications when a report is submitted, reviewed, and when an action is decided.

False reporting is a breach of the Code of Conduct and may result in a temporary or permanent suspension of your account.

Learn how to report content or conversations that breach the Community Code of Conduct. If the Code of Conduct has not been broken, but you don't want to interact with a player, you can block them.

Learn how to report content that breaches the Community Code of Conduct. If the Code of Conduct has not been broken, but you don't want to interact with a player, you can block them.

Blocked players and you (the blocker) can't do the following:

  • View each other's profile, activity, or personal information.
  • Add each other to parties or watch each other’s screen during Share Screen. 
  • If a blocked player is added to your group by another player, you won't see each other's messages.
  • If you're in the same party chat, you won't hear each other's voice or watch each other's screen during Share Screen.
Security and privacy

Security and privacy

Privacy and security settings

  1. Go to Account Management on a connected device.
  2. Select Privacy settings
  3. Select a feature you would like to change privacy settings for and Edit
  4. Choose who you want to allow from the drop-down menu and select Confirm.

If you are a parent or guardian, you can choose to set privacy settings for your child. You can also select which settings you want to allow your child to change. When your child changes a setting, the parents/guardians receive a notification.

Never share your account details with anyone else—you are responsible for anything they do on your account. To avoid unintentionally sharing your account details when you sign in on someone else’s console, make sure to sign out correctly at the end of the session.

Authorized apps are third-party apps and services that you've linked your account for PlayStation Network to.

Support video: Secure your account on a PS4 console

Compromised accounts

If you do not recognize a purchase, first check your PlayStation Store transactions. If your transaction history doesn't explain the charges, please consider the common reasons for unrecognized payments listed below.

Have you been charged a recurring subscription fee?

Please check your subscription settings to see if this is the cause of the transaction. Please note, there are limitations on when you can get a refund for subscription payments. Please see our PlayStation Store Cancellation Policy for more details.

Could a family member have used your payment details?

Child accounts don't have their own PlayStation wallet but can spend funds from the family manager's wallet within an assigned spending limit. The spending limit for a child account is set to 0 by default when the account is created by the family manager. 

If a child is using an adult account, they will be able to use PlayStation™Network without parental controls — this is a breach of our Terms of Service. If you find that a family member under the age of 18 is using an adult account, please contact us.

Has your card been charged twice?

Please check your account transaction history to see if you have purchased the same piece of content multiple times. There are limitations on when you can get a refund for certain payments. Please see the PlayStation Store Cancellation Policy for more information.

If the email doesn't state that the change was initiated by PlayStation, someone else might be trying to access your account. We recommend that you complete the following steps to secure your account: 

  1. Change the password on your email account. If you have problems doing this, please contact your email provider as soon as possible.  
  2. Reset your account for PlayStation Network password.

If your PlayStation console has been stolen, please take the following steps:

  • Change your PSN password and remove all payment methods from your account.

Reporting and blocking

Learn about the dos and don'ts of using your account, as well as suspensions that can be applied to your account for not adhering to these guidelines.

Moderators review reports and decide whether the content reported breaches the Code of Conduct. If it does, we remove the content and take appropriate action against the player who shared it.

You receive notifications when a report is submitted, reviewed, and when an action is decided.

False reporting is a breach of the Code of Conduct and may result in a temporary or permanent suspension of your account.

Learn how to report content or conversations that breach the Community Code of Conduct. If the Code of Conduct has not been broken, but you don't want to interact with a player, you can block them.

Learn how to report content that breaches the Community Code of Conduct. If the Code of Conduct has not been broken, but you don't want to interact with a player, you can block them.

Blocked players and you (the blocker) can't do the following:

  • View each other's profile, activity, or personal information.
  • Add each other to parties or watch each other’s screen during Share Screen. 
  • If a blocked player is added to your group by another player, you won't see each other's messages.
  • If you're in the same party chat, you won't hear each other's voice or watch each other's screen during Share Screen.
  1. Press the PS button to go to the control center and then select Game Base.
  2. From the Friends tab, select a friend from the list.
    You can also select players from the Parties tab by selecting the party and then the player from the members list.
  3. On the player's profile select ...(More) Block.
  1. Press the PS button to go to the control center and then select Game Base.
  2. From the Friends tab, select a friend from the list.
    You can also select players from the Parties tab by selecting the party and then the player from the members list.
  3. On the player's profile select ...(More) Block.