Resources Library
Looking for a specific resource or have one you’d like to suggest?

Read Interactive Storytelling: Weaving Together Literacies of Text and Code
Are you a fan of Choose Your Own Adventure stories? Do you love playing games such as 80 Days or...

Read Integrating Cybersecurity into the AP CSP Course
The highlights, challenges, and results of teaching AP CSP students a variety of rigorous cyber topics such as symmetric/asymmetric cryptography,...

Read Integrating CS with Middle School Science
Common complaints about recently adopted computer science standards emphasize that there is limited time in the school day, considerable pressure...

Read Practical Approaches to Integrating CS Across the Curriculum
A computer science educator frequently hears that the solution to reaching and inspiring all students to learn computer science is...

Read Integrating Computer Science in the Elementary Classroom
The goal of this session is to inspire current computer science teachers to think about integration of CS into other...

Read Incorporating Culturally Authentic Practices into a Problem-Based Computer Science Classroom
Looking for a way to increase student engagement, maintain rigor, and promote persistence in computer science courses? The White House’s...

Read I Have Bots, But How Do I Introduce Them to My Class?
This session is for teachers who have used Blockly code with their students, have access to bots and devices for...

Read How to “Bake In” Local Priorities: Infusing Cybersecurity into the Maryland K–12 CS Curriculum
In early 2018, the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) reached out to the state academic community to create the...

Read Hands on with the English Primary Computing National Curriculum
It has been over five years since the “new” Computing National Curriculum was introduced in England. Since then, many primary...

Read Hackers Wanted: Building towards IT, MIS, and Cybersecurity Careers
The ultimate goal of an educator is to build students towards a successful career outside the classroom. The top careers...

Read Growing an AP CS Pathway using Providers
This session is for any K–12 teacher interested in starting or adding AP computer science classes to create an AP...

Read Group Work that Works: Agile for Authentic Learning
Once thought of as “just programming,” computer science has grown to encompass a variety of roles and disciplines. Isn’t it...

Read Grading for Equity: What, Why, and How
Have you been frustrated with the results of grading your students’ work in programming and other computer science classes? Are...

Read Git and GitHub: How to Use It, How to Teach It, and How It Can Support Your Work as a Teacher
Understanding version control and collaborative coding are important skills for aspiring computer science students. Used by an estimated 18,000 educators,...

Read Getting Started with Elementary CS
In many states across the United States, districts are just beginning to implement elementary coding and computer science education initiatives;...

Read Gender-Equitable and Culturally Relevant Teaching and Learning in CS
The gender gap in computer science classrooms will continue to persist until we can create the supports needed for all...

Read Facilitator’s Toolbox for Encouraging Interactive, Collaborative Classrooms
Many computer science teachers implement active learning strategies, in which students work in small groups, often in place of lecture,...

Read Explorations in Machine Learning & AI
How do computers learn? And what are we teaching when we teach machines? A workshop with crafts, computers and creativity,...

Read Equity in CS Policy
Are you interested in advancing your state’s computer science policy agenda more equitably, but unsure where to start? In this...

Read Equitable Recruitment Strategies for CS Elective Classes
Getting computer science courses offered in schools is often just the beginning of a long fight towards equality in CS....

Read Engage students with Minecraft remote learning
Capturing student interest with immersive learning experiences outside the classroom has never been more important. Minecraft is a game played...

Read Elementary Coding Lessons Integrated with ELA and Social Studies
Walk away from this session with 3 new units that integrate coding into English language arts and social studies. Through...

Read Developing Programming Skills in Python through Graphics
Coding and creating go hand in hand. In this session, you will see how early high school students can enter...

Read Designing Equity-Focused Professional Development
Equitable student access to Computer Science begins with equity-minded CS educators. This session will explore three professional development models designed...